In the Lions Club Ljubljana we strive to promptly detect needs for help in our Slovenian home environment, as well as beyond the borders of our country.
At the beginning of our activities the Lions Club Ljubljana helped people, whose homes were ruined in the flood disaster in Savinjska dolina. In cooperation with Lions Clubs of the Slovenian district 129 we’ve collected important help for people, whose homes were destroyed by the Sri Lanka cunamy in December 2006. In the fall of 2007 we joined a group action to help the victims of floods in Gorenjska and in the surroundings of Celje.
At the same time we noticed the hardship of refugees, who have fled to Slovenia out of the war stricken territories of former Yugoslavia (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo). In collaboration with the Red Cross ant Lions Clubs from Austria, France, Italy and primarily Switzerland we offered help for children refugees in the form of food, clothes, medicine and school supplies.
Since the very beginning of the activities of our club we accepted one of the basic directives of LCI – the help for the blind and partially sighted. In this matter we worked together with the Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted of Slovenia and the intermuniciple association of the blind and partially sighted of Ljubljana. With their help we have chosen adequate means of individual help. Many young people could finish a regular education, get a job and secure a relative normal integration in everyday life.
We help children in distress and their families in many different ways. So we secured means for holiday trips and in cooperation with the ZPMS (Slovene friends of youth association) we promote the active use of free time in the project “Never alone” for children and youth.
In collaboration with the association “Up” (hope) in Ljubljana we familiarised ourselves with the problem of addiction in Ljubljana and Slovenia. A part of the collected financial means was spent for the preventive advancement of awareness of young people and their families, as well as the treatment of the addicted.
We also provided help for handicapped, particularly children with disturbances in the physical or mental development. In collaboration with the Dolfka Boštjančič Centre we help to arrange their workshops and provide the essential supplementary programs.
A part of the means was spent for the purchase of sanitary equipment for children and for construction of Children's Hospital in Ljubljana.