On the fourteenth Grand Lions Club Ljubljana Charity Ball, we have collected more than 20,000 euros and at the same evening we have 17,000 already awarded to:
5,000 euros to Center Dolfka Boštjančič, for a new residential home equipment at Debeli Rtič
5,000 euros for the children project Never Alone
2,000 euros on Intermunicipal blind Ljubljana for the purchase of customized equipment
5,000 euros on Ljubljana City Association of the Deaf
Clients under protection of working center Dolfka Boštjančič prepared 120 unique ceramic cups, in which they planted a miniature tree for charity sale at the dance. The United Nations proclaimed the year 2011 is the Year of Forests. and guests of the Grand Lions Charity Ball were able to take away their home tree. This way, we gathered something more than 3,000 euros.
Leo Club Ljubljana collected 1,500 euros, which will be through the centers of social assistance given to children for education in nature, as devices for the blind and visually impaired.
Lions Club Ljubljana was the first Lions Club lionizma pioneer in Slovenia. In the 21 years of its operation Slovenian lions collected and donated nearly 5.5 million. Unfortunately, the Lions Club Ljubljana we find that the economic crisis is also reflected in a reduced number of donors, as well as in the amount of funds they are willing to donation.
Operation of Slovenian lions is completely voluntary and charity. For its operation members are devoted to their own resources and their free time. The organization has no property and employees, all charity funds raised are intended exclusively known to the grant recipients.